Respect your flock … with TwitterSheep

August 4, 2010

Did you ever wonder about your Twitter followers? Who are they? What do they do? Why are they following you?

Well now you can find out … TwitterSheep is a fun tool that allows you to see all this in visual cloud of keywords extracted from your followers biography.

To generate a cloud of your own just enter your twitter name and within minutes you can have your own keyword cloud that you can choose to tweet out to your “flock.”

So it is not rocket science but it did allow me to realise that my Twitter followers are professional associates. Check it out  … and remember to respect your flock!

Traditional roles still in play for most Americans when dealing with a health issue

July 17, 2010

American adults continue to turn to traditional sources of health information, even as many of them deepen their engagement with the online world according to 2010 Pew Internet & Life Project Report.

When asked, “Now thinking about all the sources you turn to when you need information or assistance in dealing with health or medical issues, please tell me if you use any of the following sources…”
* 86% of all adults ask a doctor.
* 68% of all adults ask a friend or family member.
* 57% of all adults use the internet.
* 54% use books or other printed reference material.
* 33% contact their insurance provider.